Diversity Plan 2022–25

Diversity Plan 2022–25

National Archives of Australia Diversity Plan 2022-25 (PDF 294KB)

1. Introduction

At the National Archives of Australia (National Archives) we value and support diversity and inclusion, and foster a culture of belonging and empowerment in the workplace. We listen and engage with each other and understand that our workforce is strengthened by the diversity of our people. This Diversity Plan 2021-2025 (the plan) sets out the objectives of the National Archives in improving the diversity of our workforce and developing our capacity to value and embrace our diversity to inform what we do.

We undertake this approach in the context of the broader Australian Public Service workforce diversity strategies, to support the broader Australian community and to foster diversity in the workplace; supporting the requirements of the Public Service Act 1999.

2. Diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Diversity is about our individual differences that contribute to the unique blend of knowledge, skills and perspectives people bring to the workplace. Diversity dimensions include cultural background and ethnicity, age, gender, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, religious diversity, Indigeneity, language and education. Diversity also includes characteristics such as professional skills, working styles, location and life experiences.

We will continue to celebrate, grow and promote an inclusive culture in the workplace where everyone feels valued, respected and is able to fully contribute in their roles by implementing the initiatives outlined in this plan.

This plan builds on the foundations established by the National Archives Workplace Diversity Program 2017–20 for an inclusive workplace. Implementation of this plan renews our focus on increasing the representation of diverse employees through recruitment, development and retention initiatives.

Our vision is for a workforce that recognises, values and fosters diversity, including making best use of the skills and attributes of our people, and aims to deliver our organisational objectives. We aim to create an environment, where people are supported, are accepting of their colleagues, and feel safe without fear or bias.

3. Our commitment

Our organisation will:

  • develop workplace policies and practices that promote workplace diversity and are inclusive to the varied backgrounds and personal circumstances of employees
  • establish a diverse workforce through the implementation of recruitment and retention strategies to attract, recruit and retain employees from diversity groups
  • promote inclusiveness and positive workplace behaviour.

Our managers will:

  • actively seek opportunities to build diversity in our workforce
  • lead by example in fostering a culture where the diverse skills and knowledge of employees are recognised and valued
  • incorporate workplace diversity principles into their team and management practices, for example by seeking the view of all team members to contribute positively to team outcomes
  • foster a culture where discrimination or exclusion is unacceptable and not tolerated in any form
  • identify and highlight both positive and negative practice and behaviour, working with staff to improve their understanding and behaviours.

We will all:

  • recognise and embrace/celebrate the skills and experiences of others
  • make each other feel valued and comfortable to contribute our own skills and experiences
  • ensure that discrimination or exclusion is unacceptable in any form and not tolerated.

4. Achieving our diversity goals

Our focus for 2022–25 is to increase the representation in our workforce of young people (aged less than 25 years), people with a disability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Table 1 details representation in our workforce of some diversity groups, using data from the 2021 Australian Public Service Employee Census Highlights Report and National Archives 2021 workforce data.

Table 1: Diversity of National Archives workforce - 2021

Diversity group Workforce representation
Women 54%
Mature age (>50) 42%
Cultural and linguistically diverse (CALD) 24.9%
Disability 9%
Young people (<25) 5.2%
Indigenous 2%

We have identified a range of actions designed to build upon our inclusive workforce culture and to recruit and retain our diverse workforce. Table 2 below provides an overview of these actions; further details, timelines and accountabilities are maintained separately in an action list.

Table 2: Actions

Goals Actions
Achieve an increase in workforce representation for younger people, people with a disability, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Action 1 - Use the RecruitAbility scheme

Action 2 - Promote the National Archives as an inclusive and diverse workplace in employee value proposition and recruitment material.

Action 3 - Develop opportunities to engage young people in working for the National Archives through APS internships and participation in the APS graduate program (directly or through placements).

Action 4 - Identify bulk recruitment rounds that can have a concurrent affirmative measures round for people with disability.

Action 5 - Identify at least five affirmative measures positions for Indigenous people and consider recruitment opportunities, such as Indigenous recruitment providers, to fill these.

Increase awareness of diversity issues and promote an inclusive culture.

Action 6 - Promote and celebrate diversity days of significance.

Action 7 - Provide mandatory inclusion, disability and cultural awareness online training for all staff.

Action 8 - Use inclusive language in all policies and official documents.

Support the vision of the Reconciliation Action Plan and encourage applications for the APSC Jawun program. Action 9 - Raise profile of Jawun programs within the agency, via enhanced promotion activities to support the vision of the Reconciliation Action Plan to build on relationships with Indigenous professionals, organisations and communities.
Increase a sense of community in the workplace and grow our inclusive workforce where raising awareness, improving our understanding and collaboration is encouraged.

Action 10 - Support Cultural Networking where everyone is encouraged to join in and participate.

Action 11 - Create a forum where information and matters can be shared and discussed in a supportive environment.

Provide a supportive workplace where people feel confident to voluntarily disclose and discuss issues, removing fears of being discriminated against.

Maximise people's ability to contribute in the workplace and not have their potential productivity unnecessarily limited or lost. Provide a barrier free and flexible workplace.

Action 12 - Identify and provide reasonable adjustments to remove barriers that support equal participation in aspects of working life.

Action 13 - Ensure flexible working guidelines are inclusive and provide required support for minority groups who may require additional support.

5. Diversity Champion

Our Diversity Champion is the Assistant Director-General, Corporate Services.

The Diversity Champion is a leader who drives diversity at the National Archives by taking responsibility for instilling a diverse, inclusive, educated and accepting workplace culture. They:

  • promote activities celebrating diversity
  • act as patron during awareness events
  • provide information to employees on diversity issues and initiatives
  • review policies and procedures to ensure they are inclusive
  • contribute to diversity strategy development and implementation
  • campaign for support from their fellow executives.

6. Progress against actions

We will regularly measure, monitor and report on the diversity of our workforce and the actions identified in this program, to enable the evaluation of trends to identify areas for improvement.

Image 1: Reporting lines for progress against actions

Reporting lines for progress against actions
Audience/mechanism What is reported Frequency
National Archives Workplace Relations Committee Progress against actions Annually
National Archives Executive Board

Progress against actions

Workforce diversity metrics

Multicultural Access and Equity (MAAE) Activities against the six commitments of the MAAE policy Annually
National Archives Annual Report

Activities supporting our diversity objectives

Our diversity achievements
