Digitising World War II service records

Our collection has over 1 million records documenting the service of Australian men and women during World War II. These include service records for the Army, the Royal Australian Air Force and the Royal Australian Navy.

What we've digitised to date

Over the last 4 years, as part of the large-scale World War II Digitisation Project, the vast majority of World War II service records have now been digitised. 

This includes:

Next steps

Digitised records are now being progressively made available online free-of-charge. 

Remaining WWII service records awaiting digitisation will be prioritised over the next 12 months. Records will be temporarily unavailable to the public during this time.

Use our Request for World War II Service Records form if you have a question about access to these records.

Stories of service

Service records are a valuable resource, not just for those interested in the military, but also for family history researchers and anyone interested in the involvement of Australians in our wartime history.

Explore some of the stories we’ve uncovered so far.