Transport in Antarctica

The frozen continent of Antarctica poses great transport challenges for people attempting to work there.

The frozen continent of Antarctica poses great transport challenges for people attempting to work there.

Ships from Australia can only travel to and from Antarctica during summer (November to February).

When explorers, scientists and visitors reach Antarctica they continue to face many travel challenges due to the harsh weather conditions and dangerous terrain.

Curriculum areas

  • Year 2 History
  • Year 5 Geography


  • Why is it so difficult to get to Antarctica?
  • Why is it difficult to travel around after you arrive in Antarctica?
  • The Antarctic environment provides many challenges for transport. What are some of the innovations needed to move people and equipment around?
  • What are the main differences between the types of transport used in the Antarctic now and those used 50 years ago? (Think about travelling to Antarctica and also about getting around when you get there.)