Agency-specific records authorities

Records authorities (RAs) are issued to individual agencies by the National Archives and cover agency-specific core business. 

See also:

General records authorities (GRAs) setting out requirements for keeping, destroying or transferring records of business common to many agencies.

COVID-19 Advice to agencies about records relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Current agency Core business Date issued Authority number
Aboriginal Hostels Limited; Indigenous Business Australia (IBA); Prime Minister and Cabinet, Department of the; Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies; Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation Indigenous Grant and Loan Funding; Indigenous Training 6 Jan 2016 2011/00324802
Aboriginal Land Commissioner Aboriginal Land Claims and Advice 24 Nov 2017 2017/00413096
Administrative Appeals Tribunal Mediator Accreditation Management, Persona Designata Functions Support Management, Tribunal Case Management 5 Dec 2019 2019/00505773
Administrative Appeals Tribunal; Australian Competition Tribunal; Copyright Tribunal (of Australia); Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal; Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal; Federal Court of Australia; Migration Review Tribunal; Refugee Review Tribunal; Remuneration Tribunal; Superannuation Complaints Tribunal; Veterans Review Board; Companies Auditors and Liquidators Disciplinary Board; Fair Work Commission Tribunal External Relations; Tribunal Management and Statutory Appointments 29 May 2012 2011/00681744
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Assessor Registration: Compliance Monitoring; Education & Information Awareness 23 Oct 2015 2015/00446482
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Department of Economic & Scientific Advice; Export Services; Sustainable Resource Management 14 Feb 2017 2016/00525827
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Department of Biosecurity 10 Oct 2014 2012/00569345
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Department of Industry and Trade Relations 22 Aug 2014 2012/00280112
Aid Advisory Council Overseas aid advice 13 May 2002 2002/04651164
Airservices Australia Air Traffic Management; Aviation Industry Relations; Business Development; Environmental Management; Financial Management (Statutory Liens); Operational Infrastructure; Operational Systems & Equipment; Operational Training; Rescue & Fire Fighting Services; Safety Management; Strategic Management (Corporate Entities) 6 Nov 2009 2009/00546397
Albury-Wodonga Corporation Albury-Wodonga Growth Centre Management 16 Dec 2014 2014/00659230
Anindilyakwa Land Council; Central Land Council; Northern Land Council; Tiwi Land Council Advocacy Management; Economic Development and Commercial Services Management; Land and Sea Claims and Acquisitions Management; Land Council Management; Land, Sea and Natural Resources Management; Land Trust Administration; Native Title Management 1 Mar 2011 2010/00643150
Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency Asbestos Management and Awareness 21 Jun 2020 2020/00197545
Attorney-General's Department Child, Family and Elder Protection Policy and Programs 22 Dec 2023 2023/00654800
Attorney-General's Department Criminal Justice Polices and Programs 24 Jan 2024 2024/00032523
Attorney-General's Department Legal Services to Government 20 Jan 2023 2022/00488938
Attorney-General's Department; Home Affairs, Department of Appointments management; Crime prevention; Independent advising; Information collection; Law enforcement; Legal case management; Legal liaison; Legislative drafting; National security; Protective security 25 Mar 2002 2002/04572652
Attorney-General's Department Royal Commission administration 15 Jul 2010 2010/00039583
Auditing and Assurance Standards Board; Australian Accounting Standards Board Financial Reporting Standards Development 6 Jul 2012 2012/00320842
AustDairy Ltd Commercial operations 18 Jun 2003 2003/00246854
Australia Post Collection Management; Commercial Operations; Corporate Governance; Customer Relations; External Relations; Mail Operations; Post Equipment and Stores; Post Fleet Management; Stamp Management; Strategic Planning and Management 12 Jun 2009 2007/00213478
Australian Antarctic Division Antarctic Environmental Management 31 August 2023 2022/00410564
Australian Antarctic Division Antarctic Expeditioner Management 31 August 2023 2022/00410589
Australian Antarctic Division Antarctic Infrastructure, Operations and Logistical Support 31 August 2023 2022/00410613
Australian Antarctic Division Antarctic Medical Services and Support 31 August 2023 2022/00410625
Australian Antarctic Division Antarctic Program Coordination and Governance 31 August 2023 2022/00407900
Australian Antarctic Division Antarctic Scientific Research 31 August 2023 2022/00410636
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Audience and Stakeholder Relations; Board Administration; Commercial Activities; Content Management and Production; Historical Information Management; Orchestras; Technology; Training and Consultancy Services; Transmission and Distribution 6 Jun 2006 2005/00450552
Australian Building and Construction Commission Building industry compliance, enforcement and education 13 Nov 2019 2019/00447636
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Records for Temporary Census Employees 5 Feb 2020 2020/00002493
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Statistical collections 17 Aug 2007 2007/00105946
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Statistical collections (Amendment) 29 Mar 2022 2021/00429564
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Statistical analysis; Statistical collections; Statistical development and support; Statistical dissemination; Statistical processes 27 Mar 2001 2001/00000540
Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Charity Regulation 13 Aug 2021 2021/00234491
Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity Law Enforcement Integrity (Corruption Investigation); Law Enforcement Integrity (Corruption Prevention) 11 Dec 2013 2013/00024617
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Health care safety and quality improvement coordination 9 Jun 2021 2020/00352226
Australian Communications and Media Authority Allocation, Licensing and Authorisation; Compliance and Enforcement; Industry and Consumer Relations; Regulatory Policy and Planning 8 Aug 2018 2018/00153827

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)

Australian Energy Regulator

 Access Regulation; Competition and Consumer Protection; Law Reform and Research 7 Mar 2023




Australian Competition Tribunal Competition Tribunal Case Management 13 Nov 2013 2013/00376451
Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission Criminal Activity Investigation, Criminal Activity Research, Criminal Intelligence Management, Education and Awareness 11 Dec 2013 2012/00086171
Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission Board management; Policing information services 19 Jul 2007 2007/00122120
Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA] Curriculum Development, Data Collection & Reporting, National Education Assessment 16 Jun 2016 2016/00115762
Australian Dairy Corporation Administration; Commercial operations; Industry liaison; Market research and development; Promotion 18 Jun 2003 2003/00218941
Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) Elections, ballots and referendums - Maintenance amendments 3 Dec 2010 2010/00735424
Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) Elections, ballots and referendums 18 Apr 2008 2008/00194021
Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) Elections, ballots and referendums; Electoral information and education; Funding and disclosure; International electoral services; Party registration; Redistribution; Roll management 26 Oct 2005 2005/00210284
Australian Federal Police (AFP) Criminal records 28 Apr 2010 2010/00191393
Australian Federal Police (AFP) Bomb Data; Community Investigations; Community Policing; Criminal Records; Federal Investigations; Firearms and Weapons Control; Firearms Collection; Intelligence; International Deployments; International Policing; Law Enforcement Personnel; Law Enforcement Training; Police Museum; Prosecution and Judicial Support; Protective Security 8 Aug 2007 2006/00446344
Australian Federal Police (AFP), Office of the Commonwealth Director of Prosecutions Criminal confiscation 5 Apr 2012 2011/00642501
Australian Film, Television and Radio School Education and Training in the Screen Arts and Broadcast Industries 27 Aug 2015 2015/00222091
Australian Financial Security Authority Insolvency Practitioner Regulation, Personal Insolvency and Common Fund Management, Personal Property Securities Administration and Special Trustee Service 6 Mar 2017 2016/00286150
Australian Fisheries Management Authority Board Administration; Fisheries Resources Management 8 Apr 2008 2007/00204327
Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) Fisheries Resources Management - Digital video surveillance records 9 May 2012 2012/00258047
Wine Australia Wine Industry Development, Wine Industry Regulation 10 Oct 2014 2014/00272698
Australian Human Rights Commission Public awareness and education 7 Jul 2003 2003/00327877
Australian Human Rights Commission Complaints handling; Human rights compliance 16 May 2003 2003/00211156
Australian Information Commissioner, Office of the Awareness and Education; Compliance Management; Information Policy Review and Development; International Relations; Reviews and Investigations 22 Jun 2012 2012/00305243
Australian Information Commissioner, Office of the Privacy awareness and education; Privacy compliance; Privacy policy development and legislative review 29 Aug 2006 2005/00210338
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies; Australian War Memorial; National Gallery of Australia; National Library of Australia; National Portrait Gallery; Reserve Bank of Australia Collection Development and Management; Commercial Services Management; Exhibition Development and Management; Preservation Management; Public Program Management 25 Oct 2011 2011/00275285
Australian Institute of Family Studies Research; Research Communication 4 Feb 2011 2010/00698490
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Board Administration; Data Collection Management; Statistical Infrastructure Development 19 Jun 2008 2007/00268370
Australian Institute of Marine Science Commercial Services; Marine Operations; Marine Research; Research Management; Research Support 29 Jun 2011 2011/00292508
Australian Law Reform Commission Law Reform 23 Sep 2016 2016/00537248
Australian Learning and Teaching Council Limited Facilitate learning and teaching initiatives; Funding administration 2 May 2011 2011/00001286
Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) Marine environment protection; Maritime and aviation search and rescue; Maritime regulation; Maritime safety 3 Jun 2009 2007/00232293
Australian National Audit Office Indigenous programs evaluation and audit 16 May 2007 2006/00254825
Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) Audit services 28 Apr 2004 2003/00113511
Australian National Maritime Museum (ANMM) Collection management; Commercial services; Program management 3 Dec 2009 2009/00106625
Australian National Railways Commission Records relating to lease of locomotives 15 Nov 2000 2000/00000464
Australian National University (ANU) Research and development; Teaching and learning 12 Mar 2007 2006/00446555
Australian National University (ANU) Student progress; Student services 6 Dec 2005 2005/00347027
Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM) Asset and liability management; Client investment services 23 March 2022 2022/00032160
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) Agricultural Chemicals and Veterinary Medicines regulation 15 Aug 2018 2018/00153019
Australian Pork Corporation Administrative functions; Marketing and promotion 14 Aug 2001 2001/00000677
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Financial Crisis Management and amendments to the Enforcement and Prudential Supervision functions 19 Oct 2015 2014/00446207
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Community relations (scholarships); Enforcement; Finance sector relations; Human resources; Policy and standards; Prudential supervision; Publication (international); Statistics management 20 Dec 2005 2005/00516189
Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) Employment-related services; Learning and development services; Organisational performance services 7 Apr 2008 2007/00367755
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency Emergency Planning and Source Security; Medical Radiation Services; Radiation Health Services; Radiation Regulation 15 Jul 2013 2013/00277464
Australian Rail Track Corporation Rail Access Services; Rail Business Development; Rail Infrastructure Management 25 Feb 2016 2015/00328665
Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation Declared Terrorist Incident Insurance Cover 28 April 2021 2020/00346219
Australian Renewable Energy Agency Renewable Energy Program Administration 5 May 2014 2014/00216566
Australian Secret Intelligence Service all core business 23 Oct 2017 2017/00227552
Australian Securities and Investments Commission Commercial Services; Compliance Management; Corporate, Finance and Markets Regulation; Consumer Protection; Investigation and Enforcement; and International Relations; 4 Jan 2017 2016/00525230
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) Foreign Intelligence Collection; Protection Of Agency Personnel and Personnel Records; Security Intelligence Assessment and Advice; Security Intelligence Collection 20 July 2023 2012/00324244
Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) Industry and Risk Intelligence; Investigations and Enforcement; Vocational Education and Training Regulation 15 Dec 2018 2018/00189419
Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) Anti-Doping Rule Violation Management; Detection, Deterrence; Enforcement; Medical Advisory Committee Management 14 Aug 2012 2012/00114047
Australian Sports Commission Flood damaged records - Hunter Valley 17 Jun 2007 2007/00282474
Australian Sports Commission; Australian Sports Foundation Business Development and Marketing; Commercial Services; Sports Governance and Strategy; Sports Management and Performance 9 Oct 2014 2014/00494830
Australian Taxation Office Active Compliance; Interpretive Assistance and Law Assurance; Policy and Law Design Advice 20 Mar 2015 2014/00665764
Australian Taxation Office Customer Contact, Debt Collection and Registrations. 20 Dec 2012 2012/00339220
Australian Taxation Office Processing and Accounts (clients) 23 Jun 2011 2011/00321676
Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) International marketing 22 Aug 2011 2011/00127083
Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) Ally and partner management; Client services; Customer management; Event and visit management; Financial assistance; International development projects; Trade and economic analysis 1 Mar 2010 2009/00714202
Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) Short-Term Import and Export Initiative Management 10 May 2023 2022/00525413
Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) Domestic and international relations; Intelligence; Regulatory compliance; Regulatory policy 25 Nov 2009 2009/00589493
Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) International Relations; Safety Education, Communication and Awareness; Safety Investigation and Research; Safety Notification, Assessment and Recording 17 Jun 2013 2013/00246960
Australian Valuation Office Valuation Services 6 Jun 2014 2014/00261618
Australian Valuation Office, Central Office Records relating to Australian Capital Territory property valuations and assessments conducted by the Australian Valuation Office 3 Jul 2014 2014/00318640
Australian War Memorial (AWM) Collection; Commemoration; Historical research 14 Aug 2013 2005/00243341
Australian Wheat Board Management of the Australian Wheat Board 31 Jan 2002 2001/01594968
Australian Wool Research and Promotion Organisation Management of wool marketing Schemes; Wool marketing management 12 Feb 2001 2001/00000524
Australian Wool Research Promotion Organisation Administrative functions; Industry liaison; Market intelligence;Product and process development; Promotion; Research and administration 17 Jan 2001 2000/00000499
Bankstown Airport Limited Records of Bankstown, Camden and Hoxton Park Airports 16 Sep 2003 2003/00383324
Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) Graduate Meteorological Education 4 Feb 2021 2020/00480952
Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) Hazard Prediction, Warnings and Forecasts 30 Jun 2017 2017/00053585
Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) Observations 14 Apr 2023 2022/00270904
Bureau of Meteorology; Industry, Department of; Finance, Department of; Foreign Affairs and Trade, Department of Building code development; Business information access; Energy and mineral resources; Foreign investment attraction; Industry support and development; Laboratory quality management; Metrological business development; Metrological coordination; Metrological services; Microorganism collection; Property management (special buildings); Scientific research; Space licensing and safety; Space weather prediction; Tourism (domestic); Tourism (international) 29 Nov 2007 2007/00307997
Civil Aviation Authority (CASA) Aviation Safety Regulation and Promotion 15 Dec 2017 2016/00247974
Clean Energy Regulator Compliance, Investigation & Enforcement; Scheme Regulation and Management 5 Feb 2016 2015/00366284
Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Department of Environment and heritage program administration. 27 Jan 2011 2010/00814923
Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Department of Alligator Rivers Region Mining Supervision and Research; Commonwealth Reserve Management 1 Apr 2016 2015/00616710
Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Department of Environment and heritage program administration; Environment and heritage regulation; International relations 12 Dec 2008 2007/00380834
Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Department of Climate Change Adaptation, Climate Change Mitigation, Climate Change International Engagement, Climate Change Program Funding Administration, Climate Change Regulatory Administration 8 Dec 2013 2013/00292349
Coal Mining Industry (Long Service Leave Funding) Corporation Coal Mining Industry Long Service Leave Fund and Scheme Management 7 Jul 2021 2020/00476127
Comcare Commission Management, Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Regulation 8 Dec 2016 2015/00245318
Comcare Work Health and Safety Prevention, Education and Promotion; Work Health and Safety Regulation 16 Aug 2013 2013/00241702
Commission for the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation of Commonwealth Employees (Comcare Australia) Asbestos related compensation claims; Workers' compensation claim management 24 Mar 2011 2010/00322036
Commonwealth Grants Commission Fiscal Equalisation Advice 6 Apr 2020 2020/00108042
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Alteration of records: whale teeth 20 Dec 2013 2013/00618960
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Approved research institutes assessment; Business development; International scientific liaison; National facilities management; Property management (special buildings); Research management; Research support; Science education; Science personnel; Scientific research; Technical and consulting services; Trust funds management 25 Oct 2002 2002/04926193
Commonwealth Superannuation Administration (ComSuper) Superannuation administration 23 Nov 2010 2010/00503205
Companies Auditors and Liquidators Disciplinary Board Auditors and Liquidators Disciplinary Matters 21 Jan 2016 2015/00280264
Copyright Tribunal of Australia Copyright Tribunal Case Management 4 Jun 2013 2013/00199013
Cotton Research and Development Corporation; Grains Research and Development Corporation; Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation; Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation Research and development management 16 Nov 2009 2009/00097481
Creative Australia Arts Bodies Administration; Arts Funding Program Development and Review; Arts Industry Capacity Building; Arts Industry Leadership; Arts Organisation Funding; Events Management; Grants Administration and Assessment 25 May 2011 2010/00638753
Dairy Research and Development Corporation Administration; Promotion; Research and Development 18 Jun 2003 2003/00218938
Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal Tribunal Case Management 27 Jan 2016 2012/00329032
Defence, Department of Defence Specialised Premises Management 19 Aug 2020 2018/00403627
Defence, Department of Defence History Curation and Collections Management 19 Aug 2020 2019/00128630
Defence, Department of Military Policing 19 Aug 2020 2019/00344900
Defence, Department of Military Justice and Legal Services 6 Mar 2023 2019/00345170
Defence, Department of Defence Youth and Cadets 19 Aug 2020 2019/00457762
Defence, Department of Defence Training 6 Apr 2018 2017/00073368
Defence, Department of Defence Materiel Sustainment and Logistics Support 15 Dec 2017 2017/00174704
Defence, Department of Defence Capability Development, Acquisition and Disposal 30 Jan 2017 2016/00420348
Defence, Department of Command and Control of Operations, Conduct of Operations, Financial Support of Operations, Intelligence, Security and Communications for Operations, Legal and Service Police Support to Operations, Logistics Support to Operations, Operational Deployment Cycle, Operational Performance Improvement, Personnel and Health Support to Operations, Planning Operations. 26 Oct 2015 2015/00284404
Defence, Department of Military personnel - disciplinary conduct 9 Aug 2010 2009/00741349
Defence, Department of Information security 28 Oct 2009 2009/00120068
Defence, Department of Defence security 12 Dec 2007 2005/00170070
Defence, Department of Military personnel - source records that have been copied. 8 Apr 2003 2002/05089053
Defence, Department of Military personnel 8 Apr 2003 2002/04896824
Defence, Department of Personal documents 8 Apr 2003 2002/05014351
Defence, Department of Service history - personnel dossiers 22 Feb 2002 2001/01594969
Education, Department of Personnel records 23 Nov 2011 2011/00607716
Education, Department of Higher education; International education; Qualifications and skills recognition; School education; Vocational education and training 6 Apr 2011 2009/00593947
Education, Department of Child care quality assurance training and support 18 Mar 2010 2009/00831189
Education, Department of Governance 1 Jun 2007 2007/00263775
Education, Department of Accreditation; Examiners; Governance 5 Jun 2003 2003/00218091
Employment National Ltd Employment and Recruitment Services 18 Nov 2002 2002/05140840
Employment, Department of Employment services 21 May 2009 2009/00179260
Employment, Department of Labour Market Development; Workplace Relations Development; Workplace Relations Services 3 Mar 2005 2004/00666919
Employment, Department of Employment services 25 Jun 2003 2003/00330307
Employment, Department of; Defence, Department of National Service Scheme records 30 Jan 2001 1999/00000086
Export Finance and Insurance Corporation Industry Support and Development; Australian Exports and Overseas Investment Support 24 Nov 2017 2017/00137270
Export Finance and Insurance Corporation Export Insurance Operations 29 Dec 2003 2002/05205887
Fair Work Commission Registered organisations; Statutory appointments (Australian Industrial Registry) 26 Mar 2010 2009/00439008
Fair Work Commission Wage setting management 26 Mar 2010 2009/00436141
Fair Work Commission Archives collection; External relations; Industrial relations cases; Statutory appointments (Australian Industrial Relations Commission) 26 Mar 2010 2009/00439481
Fair Work Ombudsman Workplace relations advice, Compliance monitoring, and Enforcement 23 Dec 2020 2020/00426412
Federal Court of Australia;
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia
Court Case Management; Court Service Delivery and Support; Court Ceremonies Management 22 Nov 2022 2022/00114873 2022/00119857 2022/00119922
Federal Court of Australia Federal Police Disciplinary Tribunal Case Management 9 Sep 2015 2015/00053304
Finance and Administration, Department of Records of ComLand Ltd, Footscray Land Ltd and St Mary's Land Ltd (1997-2003) 17 Nov 2003 2003/00622460
Finance, Department of Japanese company records 27 Apr 2017 2017/00154405
Finance, Department of Whole of government information management policy and guidance; Whole of government information and services facilitation 16 May 2007 2006/00254867
Finance, Department of Capital works; Commonwealth property management 14 Dec 2005 2005/00627309
Finance, Department of Asset sales; Car with driver services; Commonwealth budget management; Commonwealth financial management; Commonwealth insurance; Commonwealth risk management; Financial redress; Grants administration; Information technology outsourcing; Oversight of government business; Parliamentary entitlements; Parliamentary superannuation; Political exchange program; Procurement management; Public sector superannuation 14 May 2004 2004/00136572
Finance, Department of Records of ComLand Ltd, Footscray Land Ltd and St Mary's Land Ltd (2004) 14 Jan 2004 2004/00016329
Finance, Department of Gold mining industry assistance (records relating to the financial administration of the Gold Mining Industry Assistance Act 1954-75) 19 Jul 2001 2000/00000442
Finance, Department of Manuals for Operating Equipment at Cox Peninsula 10 May 2000 2000/00000268
Finance, Department of Removals Australia records 13 Jan 2000 1999/00000122
Fisheries Research and Development Corporation Board administration; Fisheries research and development management 9 May 2007 2006/00408296
Food Standards Australia New Zealand Corporate governance; Food standards and safety; International collaboration 23 Sep 2016 2016/00465804
Food Standards Australia New Zealand Corporate governance; Food standards and safety; International collaboration 27 Mar 2008 2007/00228350
Foreign Affairs and Trade, Department of Consular case management; Consular services; Crisis management; International relations; International security; Non–proliferation and safeguards; Passport services; Personnel overseas; Protocol; Public diplomacy 23 Sep 2016 2016/00287563
Foreign Affairs and Trade, Department of Counter Terrorism; International Law; Overseas Aid; Overseas Property Management; and Protective Security 3 Mar 2017 2016/00410555
Foreign Affairs and Trade, Department of Trade Relations 25 May 2016 2016/00094616
Foreign Affairs and Trade, Department of Climate Change Adaptation; Climate Change Mitigation; Climate Change International Engagement; Climate Change Program Funding Administration; Climate Change Regulatory Administration 8 Dec 2013 2013/00292349
Foreign Affairs and Trade, Department of Board administration; Consular case management; Consular services; Crisis management; Historical records management; International relations; International security; Non–proliferation and safeguards; Passport services; Personnel overseas; Protocol; Public diplomacy; Trade negotiations; Trade Policy and Development 2 Dec 2003 2003/00622439
Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Corporation Forest and Wood Products Research and Development 2 Sep 2008 2008/00396388
Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Corporation Forest and Wood Products Research and Development 29 Aug 2007 2007/00405820
Future Fund Management Agency Financial Management of Investments; Funds External Relations; Investment Management 4 Jun 2013 2013/00234377
General Practice Education and Training (GPET) Corporate management; General practice vocational training 2 Dec 2003 2003/00283436
Geoscience Australia Geoscience information products 8 Oct 2008 2008/00521423
Geoscience Australia Boundary determination; Commercial services; Data management; Geodetic management; Geohazard monitoring and risk assessment; Geoscience awareness; Geoscience information products; Marine zone geoscience; Minerals and mining management; Petroleum management; Professional relations; Research equipment management; Research management; Spatial data infrastructure; Specialist property management 20 Jan 2006 2005/00233013
Geoscience Australia All functional records 3 Mar 2005 2004/00709861
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Aquarium Operations; Marine life protection programs; Stakeholder engagement; Statutory obligations 4 May 2010 2009/00922958
Health and Aged Care, Department of Health Protection and Health Emergencies - amendment 11 May 2021 2021/00131255
Health and Aged Care, Department of Health Protection and Health Emergencies 23 May 2018 2018/00145234
Health and Aged Care, Department of Gene Technology Regulation 18 May 2018 2018/00115487
Health and Aged Care, Department of Medical and Health Care Access 17 Apr 2018 2018/00061621
Health and Aged Care, Department of Health Products Regulation Group Drug Control Regulation and Administration, and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 20 Nov 2017 2017/00330754
Health and Aged Care, Department of Health Promotion and Safety 22 Jun 2017 2017/00190398
Health and Aged Care, Department of Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment 6 Mar 2017 2016/00662581
Health and Aged Care, Department of Chronic Disease Prevention, Mental Health 20 Mar 2015 2015/00000456
Health and Aged Care, Department of Pharmaceutical Benefits and Access 10 Oct 2014 2014/00243899
Health and Aged Care, Department of Private Health Insurance 11 Dec 2013 2012/00651438
Health and Aged Care, Department of Sport and Recreation 11 Dec 2012 2012/00128805
Health, Department of; Prime Minister and Cabinet, Department of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health; Aged Care; Health Workforce; Hearing Services; Medical Indemnity 10 Oct 2012 2011/00396196
High Court of Australia Court administration and communications; Heritage building, collection and ceremonial management; High Court cases; Legal knowledge repository and services 22 Nov 2010 2010/00663993
Home Affairs, Department of Emergency Management 24 Nov 2017 2017/00409605
Home Affairs, Department of Citizenship Management 19 Dec 2012 2012/00542174
Home Affairs, Department of Detention management; Migration management 3 May 2010 2009/00667625
Home Affairs, Department of Civil maritime surveillance and response; Detector dogs; Industry schemes and trade measures; Intelligence; International relations; Investigation; Revenue management; Trade facilitation and compliance 22 Jan 2010 2009/00921365
Home Affairs, Department of ; Infrastructure and Regional Development, Department of Infrastructure Policy & Programs, Transport Policy & Programs, Transport Regulation and Transport Security Inquiries 20 Dec 2013 2013/00262490

Home Affairs, Department of

  • Social Services, Department of
  • Education, Department of
Migrant Support Services Multicultural Affairs Management Settlement Programs 17 Sep 2015 2014/00496075
Home Affairs, Department of Personal Identifiers Management 2 Nov 2018 2018/00083401
House of Representatives, Department of the Chamber and Federation Chamber Support; Members' Services and Corporate Support; Parliamentary Committee Support 4 Jul 2022 2021/00332054
Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority Hospital Pricing Program Delivery 9 Apr 2014 2014/00111800
Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority Records relating to parliamentary expenses and travel allowances 24 Apr 2019 2019/00059269
Indigenous Business Australia (IBA) Indigenous Business Investment 9 May 2017 2016/00434964
Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation 7 Jun 2019 2019/00063273
Industry, Department of Economic Research Services 29 Jan 2014 2013/00611451
Industry, Department of Climate Change Adaptation, Climate Change Mitigation, Climate Change International Engagement, Climate Change Program Funding Administration, Climate Change Regulatory Administration 8 Dec 2013 2013/00292349
Industry, Department of Trade Measurement Compliance and Enforcement 18 Jun 2013 2013/00124964
Industry, Department of Business information access; Industry support and development; Metrological business development; Metrological services; Scientific research 17 Jun 2013 2013/00224651
Industry, Department of Astronomical Observatory Management related records 16 Jun 2011 2010/00674570
Industry, Department of Science and research (policy and programs); Science communications 18 Mar 2010 2009/00784107
Industry, Department of Records of the Joint Coal Board 10 Mar 2003 2003/00113544
Industry, Department of Records of the Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Authority 19 Apr 2002 2002/04845243
Industry, Department of Records of the Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Authority 11 Dec 2001 2001/00000728
Industry, Department of Book publication and sponsorship 9 Feb 2001 2001/00000507
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, Department of Records relating to arts and cultural heritage management 9 May 2017 2016/00684594
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, Department of Broadcasting and the digital economy grant management; Broadcasting and the digital economy policy development; Broadcasting and the digital economy policy and legislation implementation; Broadcasting and the digital economy sector and industry development; Telecommunications broadband and postal services grant management; Telecommunications broadband and postal services policy development; Telecommunications broadband and postal services policy and legislation implementation; Telecommunications broadband and postal services sector and industry development 23 Jul 2010 2009/00941258
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications and the Arts, Department of Classification Services 5 Nov 2020 2020/00181681
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications and the Arts, Department of Islington Plan Room Residual Records 9 Oct 2014 2014/00483169
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications and the Arts, Department of Islington Plan Room records - transfer of ownership of South Australian railway records 4 Jul 2014 2014/00265577
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications and the Arts, Department of Islington Plan Room records 24 Oct 2011 2011/00553971
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications and the Arts, Department of Records relating to railways in Tasmania 5 Oct 2010 2010/00457902
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications and the Arts, Department of Regional services development and local government; Territory policy and development; Transport environment management; Transport infrastructure development; Transport safety; Transport services and regulations 15 Mar 2005 2004/00616220
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications and the Arts, Department of Railway administration and operations - Records of the railways in South Australia and Northern Territory 10 Jan 2003 2001/00000699
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications and the Arts, Department of Airport Management - Records of Sydney Airport Corporation 7 Jun 2002 2001/00000900
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications and the Arts, Department of Airport management - Essendon Airport Ltd records 5 Jul 2001 2001/00000678
Infrastructure Australia Infrastructure Planning and Co-ordination 15 Feb 2013 2012/00675345
Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities, Department of Grant of the City of Canberra Coat of Arms 18 Jun 2013 2013/00248555
Inspector-General of Biosecurity Biosecurity Performance Review 22 December 2020 2020/00254678
Inspector-General of Live Animal Exports Livestock Exports Performance Review 30 Jun 2022 2022/00721951
Inspector-General of Taxation Taxation administration reviewing 13 Jan 2010 2009/00775639
International Air Services Commission International Air Services Capacity Allocation 6 May 2013 2013/00020933
IP Australia Attorney registration 19 Jun 2007 2007/00122077
IP Australia Attorney registration 22 Dec 2008 2008/00658152
IP Australia Certain classes of original paper records under the Patent, trade mark and design rights management function that have been copied (subject to exclusions and conditions) 27 Jun 2002 2002/04941330
IP Australia Intellectual property awareness; Intellectual property development; Design rights management; Patent rights management; Trademark rights management 12 Feb 2004 2004/00068493
IP Australia Patents Rights Management; Trade Mark Rights Management 17 Sep 2015 2015/00253477
IP Australia Plant breeder's rights management 24 Apr 2008 2006/00587410
IP Australia Plant breeder's rights management 18 Oct 2019 2019/00452725
IP Australia Published Patent Specifications 26 Sep 2011 2011/00312164
Low Carbon Australia Limited Low Carbon Program Management 15 Feb 2013 2012/00616143
Medibank Private Limited health insurance 19 Dec 2014 2014/00635509
Medicare Australia Business development and service delivery; Health and medical payments services; Health and medical register services; Medical indemnity 3 Jun 2009 2009/00181784
Migration Review Tribunal and Refugee Review Tribunal Tribunal Case Management 30 Jun 2012 2012/00316300
Murray-Darling Basin Authority Basin Natural Resource Programs River Murray System Management 22 Aug 2014 2011/00102043
National Archives of Australia (NAA) Records Access Management 1 Apr 2010 2010/00206866
National Archives of Australia (NAA) Archives external communications; Information management standards and operations; Records access management; Records custody and storage; Records evaluation and disposal; Records intellectual control; Records preservation management 5 Dec 2008 2007/00576124
National Archives of Australia (NAA) Records Intellectual Control (Amended); Records Preservation Management (Amended) 23 Dec 2021 2021/00323088
National Australia Day Council Limited Honours and Awards Administration 20 Mar 2013 2013/00067474
National Blood Authority Blood procurement management; Board management; Demand management; National managed fund; Supply planning and management 2 Aug 2007 2006/00374066
National Capital Authority National Capital Estate Renewal and Management; National Capital Planning 20 Apr 2015 2014/00247391
National Competition Council (NCC) Monopoly Infrastructure Access Recommendations 25 March 2021 2020/00348779
National Disability Insurance Agency Disability Insurance and Performance (Actuary); Reviews, Complaints and Feedback; Working with People with Disabilities and Working with Providers 22 Aug 2017 2017/00015859
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Quality and Safeguards Commission National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality and Safeguards Management 7 Jul 2022 2022/00152800
National Faster Rail Agency (NFRA) Faster Rail Infrastructure Development and Coordination 22 Dec 2020 2020/00346165
National Film and Sound Archive of Australia (NFSA) Film Australia Collection Management 19 Dec 2012 2012/00360432
National Film and Sound Archive of Australia (NFSA) Audience Engagement; Collection Access Services; Collection Development; Collection Preservation; Commercial Services; Scholarly Research and Development 29 May 2012 2011/00488168
National Health Funding Body Public Hospital Funding Administration 25 Jun 2020 2020/00197566
National Health and Medical Research Council Human Embryo Research Licensing, Public Health and Medical Research 21 Nov 2014 2014/00527054
National Health Performance Authority Health Performance Reporting 1 Apr 2016 2016/00110866
National Museum of Australia (NMA) Audience development; Collection development and management; Commercial services; Exhibition management; Historical research 2 Mar 2010 2009/00822408
National Native Title Tribunal Future act application management; Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) application management; Native title determination application management; Register management; Service delivery management; Tribunal president and member management 4 Nov 2009 2009/00121658
National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) Industry relations and promotion; Interagency coordination and relations; Regulatory data management; Regulatory operations 23 Aug 2010 2010/00359181
National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator (NOPTA) Offshore Petroleum And Greenhouse Gas Storage Titles Administration 9 Apr 2014 2013/00640272
National Transport Commission (NTC) Transport Policy and Legislation Reform 7 Jan 2019 2018/00487892
Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility Northern Australia Economic Infrastructure Investment Assessment 12 Sep 2019 2019/00059343
North Queensland Water Infrastructure Authority Water Infrastructure Project Coordination 3 Sep 2020 2020/00258464
Office of the Commonwealth Director of Prosecutions, Australian Federal Police Criminal confiscation; Law Reform; Practice Governance and Management; Prosecution 5 Apr 2012 2011/00642501
Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman Complaint investigations; Compliance audits; International programs; Major investigations and reports 30 Sep 2008 2008/00422945
Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Intelligence and security accountability 4 May 2010 2010/00216680
Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General Governor-General Support, Heritage Property Management, Honours and Awards Administration 25 Aug 2016 2016/00476161
Old Parliament House Heritage building management; Museum management 27 Aug 2010 2010/00362926
Organ and Tissue Authority Program Delivery 9 May 2012 2012/00176080
Parliamentary Counsel, Office of Legislative drafting; Legislative drafting capability; Program and project management; Standardisation and legislation quality control 22 Apr 2009 2009/00046614
Parliamentary Services, Department of Information, analysis and advisory services 19 Nov 2008 2008/00533770
Parliamentary Services, Department of Board management; Building design and management; Business and facility services; Collection management; Health and recreation services; Parliamentary awards; Parliamentary insurance; Parliamentary protection 29 Feb 2008 2007/00210158
Parliamentary Services, Department of Parliamentary broadcasting and Hansard 29 Feb 2008 2007/00545420
Pig Research and Development Corporation Administrative functions; Corporate Governance; Pig Research and Development 14 Aug 2001 2001/00000676
Prime Minister and Cabinet, Department of the Indigenous Audio Visual Collection 14 Aug 2012 2012/00318168
Prime Minister and Cabinet, Department of the Indigenous Affairs Coordination; Indigenous Funding Administration 6 Dec 2011 2011/00531286
Prime Minister and Cabinet, Department of the Endorsement; Event Management; Funding; Promotion 11 Mar 2003 2002/04959153
Prime Minister and Cabinet, Department of the Official establishments trust 4 Nov 2002 2002/05022298
Prime Minister and Cabinet, Department of; Finance, Department of Government coordination; Official establishments management 5 Nov 2002 2002/05022293
Private Health Insurance Administration Council Private health insurance prudential regulation 21 Jul 2010 2010/00384490
Productivity Commission Competitive Neutrality Complaints Investigation; Government Commissioned Projects; Government Service Performance Monitoring; Supporting Research Programs 9 May 2012 2012/00167026
Professional Services Review Medicare and Pharmaceutical Benefits Review 18 Feb 2014 2013/00636252
RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) Base Darwin Water damaged records - RAAF Base Darwin 25 Nov 2009 2009/00848309
Regional Investment Corporation Rural and Regional Community Loan Programs 18 Feb 2021 2021/00042784
Remuneration Tribunal Tribunal Case Management 23 Sep 2016 2016/00431214
Repatriation Commission Benefits; Veterans' affairs (Boer War) 12 Dec 2007 2007/00404051
Repatriation Commission Governance; Health care and support services; Hospital administration; Prosthetics services 12 Dec 2007 2007/00032716
Repatriation Commission Veterans' personal case files 19 Oct 2007 2007/00445886
Repatriation Commission Benefits 25 Jun 2004 2004/00336830
Repatriation Medical Authority Determination of Statements of Principles 17 Nov 2016 2016/00276105
Reserve Bank of Australia Historic Bank Records 28 Jun 2018 2018/00240388
Reserve Bank of Australia Banking Operations; Banknotes & Secure Documents; Financial Market Operations; Financial System Stability; Fund Administration; International Relations; Monetary Policy; Payments System Operations; Payments System Policy; and Statutory Appointments 1 Aug 2016 2014/00441373
Royal Australian Mint Circulating coin; Gallery and education management; Numismatic coin 2 Sep 2010 2010/00255154
Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation Egg industry research and development 3 Feb 2003 2003/00050892
Safe Work Australia Occupational Health and Safety Research - Paper originals of the National Mesothelioma register's notification records that have been scanned (subject to conditions) 28 Jun 2004 2004/00277581
Safe Work Australia Research facilitation and cooperation - Copies of coronial reports 23 Oct 2002 2001/00000781
Screen Australia Co-Production Program; Financial Assistance; Industry and Audience Development; Producer Offset Certification 20 Jul 2012 2011/00328136
Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority (Seacare Authority) Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Management 1 Feb 2011 2010/00565917
Services Australia Payment and Service Delivery Management 19 Dec 2012 2011/00714998
Services Australia Child support 17 Jun 2009 2009/00000482
Services Australia Service development and support; Vocational rehabilitation; disability and injury management 18 Dec 2007 2007/00440378
Services Australia, Health and Aged Care, Department of; Prime Minister and Cabinet, Department of the Service Delivery 25 May 2011 2010/00715878
Social Security Appeals Tribunal Tribunal management 19 Jun 2008 2006/00118635
Social Services, Department of Social welfare services – Reviewing (entitlements) – Records documenting reviews of recipients entitlements where no further action is taken 14 Jun 2006 2005/00669323
Social Services, Department of Business development; Social welfare development; Social welfare services 20 Jun 2005 2005/00056212
Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) Online Streaming Services (Audience Data Management) 23 Nov 2023 2023/00625354
Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) Commercial activities; Community and audience relations; Content management; Media training; Transmission and distribution infrastructure 3 Dec 2009 2009/00179026
Specialist Medical Review Council Medical research funding: Health Care 16 Apr 2018 2017/00492481
Superannuation Complaints Tribunal Superannuation Complaints Resolution 26 Nov 2015 2015/00280105
Tax Practitioners Board Tax Practitioners Regulation 17 Jun 2022 2022/00216478
Telstra Corporation Ltd Arrangements for all functional records 29 Jul 2004 2003/00619505
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Compliance Management; International Relations; Investigation and Enforcement; and Quality Assurance. 31 Jan 2014 2013/00585411
Torres Strait Regional Authority Art Culture and Heritage Development; Economic Development; Environmental Management; Governance and Leadership Development; Health Early Childhood and Schooling Coordination; Housing Communities and Social Services; Native Title and Land Tenure Management 23 Dec 2011 2011/00557112
Tourism Australia Tourism Australia Tourism Industry Development 5 Aug 2014 2014/00032828
Treasury, Department of the Commonwealth-state financial relations; Foreign investment; Markets regulation; Portfolio governance 13 Jan 2010 2009/00772254
Treasury, Department of the Standard business reporting 13 Jan 2010 2009/00794784
Treasury, Department of the Actuarial services; Commonwealth budget; Commonwealth–State financial relations; Domestic economy; Foreign investment; Industry and environmental economics; International economic affairs; Markets regulation; Portfolio governance; Reviews and inquiries coordination; Taxation and income support 27 Aug 2004 2004/00406090
(with corporate support provided by the Federal Court of Australia)
Tribunal Case Management; Tribunal Service Delivery and Support; Tribunal Statutory Appointments 24 Jun 2020 2019/00467613
Veterans' Affairs, Department of Removal of x-rays on records in series A13860, excluding dental records 14 Aug 2013 2013/00265794
Veterans' Affairs, Department of Benefits (Medical M Files, MB files and Advocacy Case Files); Hospital Case Files (H Files) 25 Nov 2011 2010/00705639
Veterans' Affairs, Department of Commemoration; Housing assistance; Statutory appointments 12 Dec 2007 2007/00025460
Veterans' Review Board Case Management 21 Apr 2015 2013/00571571
Wheat Exports Australia Wheat Export Regulation 21 Jun 2012 2012/00247929
Workplace Authority Agreement processing 27 Jan 2010 2009/00803813
Workplace Gender Equality Agency Workplace Gender Equality Regulation 18 Aug 2015 2014/00142877
Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community Council Commercial Services and Business Enterprises, Community Services and Community Governance and Administration 24 Dec 2018 2018/00447311