1. Manage information assets strategically with appropriate governance and reporting

Implementing the actions on this page will help your agency manage information assets strategically with appropriate governance and reporting to meet current and future needs of government and community. This is a requirement of the Building trust in the public record policy.

We have provided resources to help you meet each of the policy actions.

Actions and resources

Action 1: Assess your information management capability annually using the National Archives' survey tool – Check-up

This is a mandatory action.


Action 2: Review and update your information governance framework to incorporate enterprise-wide information management. This should include governance for records, information and data. Develop an information governance framework if one does not exist


Action 3: Review and update roles and responsibilities for your information governance committee and chief information governance officer to include enterprise-wide information management. Establish an information governance committee and chief information governance officer role if they do not exist


Action 4: Create an enterprise-wide information management strategy


Action 5: Register your information assets where there is business value in doing so


Action 6: Identify staff capability gaps in information management, in particular for staff with specialist information management roles, and plan to address them


Action 7: Actively support information management at a senior management level and have structures in place for senior managers to engage with skilled information management professionals


Action 8: Monitor progress made towards achieving policy actions and regularly report on progress to senior management. Document risks of not following recommended practice
