Images of World War I Australian servicemen

Our collection includes about 500 digital images of Australian World War I servicemen. These images were given to us by the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA).

You can see them on our Flickr page.

DVA staff identified these photos from among 16,000 World War I images in the Bonds of Sacrifice collection of the Imperial War Museum, London.

Some of the images were taken in London studios while servicemen were on leave. There are some newspaper clippings.

You can browse the names of servicemen (.doc, 360kb) whose portraits we hold.

If you are searching for a photo of someone who is not included in the 500 portraits, you may wish to contact the Australian War Memorial. They hold many images of servicemen.

You are welcome to download and print the portraits for personal use. If they are for commercial use, read and abide by our copyright advice.