BAU, monitoring and improvement

When building interoperability, new processes need to be documented and provided to users in an easy to access format, for example, through team collaboration software.

To ensure the maintenance of the new processes it is also important to:

  • ensure responsibilities are well defined and documented so everyone is clear on their role
  • undertake quality checks for potential user issues and barriers – which can also inform future improvements

Monitoring and continuous improvement

During the implementation of data interoperability solutions and tools consider:

  • integrating real-time data monitoring and analytics within the solution that will enable data to be collected on potential issues and accomplishments – even after the solution has passed testing and gone live
  • analysing data from the solution to understand trends in data exchanges, data quality and quantity as well as monitoring business rule violations. This information can then be used to see if the solution is performing as expected and identify areas for improvements.

Some features to monitor include:

  • how many users are using services and during what times of the day
  • where are users originating from and which technologies they are using
  • how long users are spending on the services and their success rates in finding what they are after
  • which services are being used the most
  • which terms are being searched and generating poor results
  • quality of the data
  • logs from the applications to ensure there aren't any errors or issues
  • volume of the data being exchanged and the speed at which data is exchanged

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