AFDA Express Version 2 Index – Property Management


This index lists the records, activities, classes and related key terms in the Property Management function of AFDA Express in single alphabetical sequence.

Indexed references should only be used as a guide to the Authority. The main access tool should be the function and class scope notes.


  • access, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), see security
  • access, unauthorised, see security breaches
  • accommodation, short stay (ie hotel/motel), see PROCUREMENT
  • accommodation, rental, leasing of (where the agency is the lessee), 62671
  • accommodation, rental, leasing-out (where the agency is the lessor), 62671
  • accommodation assessments, leasing of property, 62664/62671
  • acquisition, goods and services (including moveable assets such as equipment, stores and vehicles), see PROCUREMENT
  • acquisition, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets),
  • advice (excluding legal advice), property management, general, 62671
  • advice (excluding legal advice), property management, relating to specific properties, 62664/62668
  • agreements and contracts, property management, 62664/62668/62671 **
  • air-conditioning, installation of, see installation and configuration
  • alarm systems, installation of, see installation and configuration
  • alarm systems, monitoring and responding to, see security
  • appeals, property management, relating to compulsory acquisition of land and associated compensation, 62667
  • appeals, property management, resulting in litigation, see LEGAL SERVICES
  • arrangements, moving, relocation of agency’s business operations, 62671
  • arrangements, routine use of properties (including parking arrangements), 62670 *
  • asbestos, see hazardous substances
  • assessing, see evaluating
  • asset register, see FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT
  • auction, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), see disposal
  • audit (internal or external),
  • authorisation and delegations, property management, 62671




  • damage to land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), see security
  • declarations of conflicts of interest, property management related, see PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT
  • deed registers, property management, 62664
  • deeds (including deeds of gift and deeds of release), other than property deeds (certificates of title), see CONTRACTS UNDER SEAL/DEEDS
  • deeds of title (property deeds), 62669
  • delegations and authorisations, property management, 62671
  • design specifications, establishing intellectual property for, see LEGAL SERVICES
  • design specifications, goods and services (including moveable assets such as equipment, stores and vehicles) other than ICT solutions and equipment, see PROCUREMENT
  • design specifications, ICT solutions and equipment, see TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT
  • design specifications, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), 62664/62668
  • destruction, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), see disposal
  • directives, property management, see procedures
  • disaster recovery, property management, 62664/62668
  • discontinued tenders, property management, see tendering
  • disposal, goods and services (including moveable assets such as equipment, stores and vehicles) other than ICT solutions and equipment, see ASSET MANAGEMENT
  • disposal, ICT solutions and equipment, see TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT
  • disposal, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets),
  • disputes (not resulting in litigation), property management, 62671
  • disputes (resulting in litigation), property management, see LEGAL SERVICES
  • donations (made by the agency), land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), transfer of properties, see disposal
  • donations (received by the agency), land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), transfer of properties, see acquisition
  • donations, management of, see EXTERNAL RELATIONS
  • due diligence checks, acquisition other than by tender, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), see acquisition
  • due diligence checks, tendering related, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), see tendering




  • gardens, see land and buildings
  • goods and services (including moveable assets such as equipment, stores and vehicles), see PROCUREMENT
  • grounds, see land and buildings
  • guarantees and warranties other than for moveable assets and immoveable assets (eg services), see PROCUREMENT
  • guarantees and warranties relating to immoveable assets (including buildings and structures),
  • guarantees and warranties relating to moveable assets (such as equipment, stores and vehicles), managing claims, see ASSET MANAGEMENT


  • handbooks, property management see procedures
  • hazardous substances (including asbestos),
    • audits of processes and systems to detect the presence of hazardous substances or conditions in buildings or land, 62665
    • inspections of construction site works, 62664/62668
    • management of (in the workplace) including routine monitoring, see WORK HEALTH & SAFETY
    • removing (from the fabric of a property), storing and disposing of, 62665/62666
    • restoration and rehabilitation of land contaminated by, 62664
  • hazardous waste (eg chemicals from laboratories and pesticides), 62666
  • heating, installation of equipment and plant in properties for, 62664/62668
  • heritage properties, 62664
  • heritage property policies, see policy
  • heritage impact assessments, 62664/62668



  • keys, building, management of (including key register), see security





  • orders, purchase, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), see acquisition
  • outsourcing providers, procuring services of, see PROCUREMENT



  • quotes, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), see land and buildings
  • quotes, goods and services (including moveable assets such as equipment, stores and vehicles), see PROCUREMENT


  • real estate, see land and buildings
  • re-evaluating existing immoveable assets (including land and buildings), see evaluating
  • refurbishing, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), see fit-outs
  • registers of assets, see FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT
  • registers of contracts, procurement, see PROCUREMENT
  • registers of contracts, property management, 62664
  • registers of deeds, property management, 62664
  • registers of land, property management, 62664
  • registers of lost property, 62671
  • registers of leases, property management, 62671
  • registers of property, property management, 62664
  • registers of risks, property management, 62671
  • registers of tenders, property management, 62671
  • rehabilitation of contaminated land, 62664
  • relocating, agency business operations, 62671
  • relocating, belongings of individual employees, see PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT
  • remedial action, involving land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), see conservation and restoration
  • removalists, managing of, 62671
  • removalists, procurement of, see PROCUREMENT
  • renovations, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), 62664/62668
  • rental, land and buildings,
  • repairs, land and buildings, see maintenance
  • reporting, property management, final versions of reports, 62664/62667/62668/62671
  • reporting, property management, developing/drafting, 62671
  • request for proposals, property management, see land and buildings
  • request for quotes, property management, see land and buildings
  • request for tenders, property management, see tendering
  • requisition, goods and services (including moveable assets such as equipment, stores and vehicles), see PROCUREMENT
  • requisition, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), see acquisition
  • research and analysis, supporting property management, 62671
  • residential accommodation, leased to the agency, see leasing
  • residential accommodation, leasing-out by the agency, see leasing-out
  • restoration, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), see conservation and restoration
  • restricted areas, intrusions into, see security
  • reviewing and reviews, property management, 62664/62671
  • right of way agreements, property management, 62664/62668/62671 **
  • risk management, property management, 62671
  • risk register, property management, 62671
  • routine upkeep, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), see maintenance and repairs



  • technology solutions and equipment, immoveable assets (ie integrated into the fabric of properties) see land and buildings
  • technology solutions and equipment, moveable assets (ie not integrated into the fabric of properties) see TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT
  • telecommunications equipment, immoveable assets (ie integrated into the fabric of properties), see land and buildings
  • telecommunications equipment, moveable assets (ie not integrated into the fabric of properties), see TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT
  • tender documentation, see tendering
  • tender register, property management, 62671
  • tender specifications, see tendering
  • tendering, procurement of goods and services (including moveable assets such as equipment, stores and vehicles), see PROCUREMENT
  • tendering, procurement of land and buildings (ie immoveable assets),
  • termination of lease, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), 62664/62668
  • terrorism, incidents impacting land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), see security
  • theft, incidents impacting land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), see security
  • title deeds and certificates, acquisition, 62669
  • transfer deeds, property management, see CONTRACTS UNDER SEAL/DEEDS
  • transfer, goods and services (including moveable assets such as equipment, stores and vehicles), see PROCUREMENT
  • transfer, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), into agency ownership, see acquisition
  • transfer, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), out of agency ownership, see disposal
  • trespass, incidents involving land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), see security


  • unauthorised access, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), see security
  • upkeep, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), see maintenance and repairs


  • valuation certificates, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), 62664/62668
  • valuation records, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), 62664/62668
  • vandalism, incidents involving land and buildings (ie immoveable assets), see security
  • vendors, goods and services (including moveable assets such as equipment, stores and vehicles), see PROCUREMENT
  • vendors, land and buildings (ie immoveable assets),
  • video surveillance, see security
  • visitor books, public (including ceremonial), see EXTERNAL RELATIONS
  • visitor books, security access registers, 62671
  • visits and visitors, lost property (lost on agency premises), 62671/62670 *
  • visits and visitors, security passes, see security


  • warranties and guarantees, see guarantees and warranties
  • waste, non-toxic (including classified waste), removal and disposal from land and buildings, 62670 *
  • waste, toxic/hazardous (including hazardous substances/waste), removal, storage and disposal from land and buildings, 62665/62666
  • water cooling systems, see cooling systems
  • work health and safety, relating to hazardous substances, see WORK HEALTH & SAFETY
  • working groups, property management, 62664/62671


* Default class 62671 can also be used to sentence where class 62670 is indicated.

** For contracts under seal or deeds, use CONTRACTS UNDER SEAL/DEEDS.

*** Surveillance recordings may be destroyed when no longer required if covered by an agency’s Normal Administrative Practice (NAP) policy. Where recordings are used as evidence class 62671 will apply to copies retained by the agency that are not part of an investigation case file.