AFDA Express Version 2 Index – Publication


This index lists the records, activities, classes and related key terms in the Publication function of AFDA Express in single alphabetical sequence.

Indexed references should only be used as a guide to the Authority. The main access tool should be the function and class scope notes.


  • acquisition, goods and services, in support of publication, see PROCUREMENT
  • address lists, distribution, publication, 62618 *
  • advertising campaigns, see marketing
  • advice, publication, 62619
  • agency logos, implementation and administration, 62618 *
  • agency manuals, publication, see manuals
  • agency internal publications, publication of, see production
  • agency public websites, publication, see websites
  • agency publications (produced or commissioned), publication of, see production
  • agency style guides/manuals, see manuals
  • agency-wide publication plans, planning and plans, publication, 62618 *
  • agreements and contracts, publication, 62617/62619
  • agreements and contracts under seal (including deeds), publication, see CONTRACTS UNDER SEAL/DEEDS
  • annual reports (agency), development of, see EXTERNAL RELATIONS
  • annual reports (agency), published versions, production and distribution of, see reporting and reports
  • articles, publication of, see production
  • audio recordings (such as cassette tapes, vinyl records, and podcasts), publication of, see production
  • audio-visual productions, publication of, see production
  • audit, publication, 62619


  • binding, production process, publication, 62618 *
  • books and booklets, publication of, see production
  • brochures, publication of, see production







  • handbooks, publication, 62618 *
  • harvesting of agency public websites, see websites


  • indexing, production process, see production
  • information sheets, publication of, see production
  • Information Privacy Principles (IPP), compliance, 62619
  • Information Publication Scheme (or equivalent), compliance, see TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT
  • infringements, copyright, publication, see LEGAL SERVICES
  • intellectual property, publication,
    • establishment and administration of, see LEGAL SERVICES
    • copyright, agreements to vest Crown copyright, 62617
    • copyright, managing applications received seeking permission to reproduce material in which the agency holds copyright, 62619
    • copyright, applications made by the agency to reproduce material of other entities, 62619
    • copyright licensing decisions, 62619
    • infringements of, see LEGAL SERVICES
    • royalties, see royalties
  • internal agency publications, publication of, see production
  • internal websites (intranets), decommissioned, publication, see websites
  • International Standard Book Number (ISBN), allocation of, compliance, 62619
  • International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), allocation of, compliance, 62619
  • intranets (internal websites), publication, see websites
  • inventories, agency publications, 62618 *
  • inventories, moveable assets and equipment (other than agency publications), see ASSET MANAGEMENT
  • ISBN (International Standard Book Number), allocation of, compliance, 62619
  • ISSN (International Standard Serial Number), allocation of, compliance, 62619




  • magazines, publication of, see production
  • manuals (including corporate style guides/manuals), development and implementation, publication, 62618 *
  • manuals, publication of, see production
  • maps, publication of, see production
  • markup, production process, publication, 62618 *
  • market research, publication, 62619
  • marketing, publication,
    • campaigns (including advertising and promotion), external audiences, see EXTERNAL RELATIONS
    • campaigns (including advertising and promotion), internal audiences, 62619
    • plans, publication-specific, 62618 *
    • research, 62619
  • meetings, publication, 62619/62618 *
  • memoranda of understanding, publication, see agreements and contracts
  • metadata, production process, publication, 62619
  • multimedia (eg CD ROM), publication of, see production
  • multimedia production, production process, publication, 62618 *


  • National Library of Australia,
  • newsletters, publication of, see production



  • pamphlets, publication of, see production
  • papers, published versions of, see production
  • photographs and videos,
  • planning and plans, publication, 62618 *
  • plans and maps, publication of, see production
  • policy, publication, 62619
  • podcasts, publication of, see production
  • posters, publication of, see production
  • pricing, publication, see sales
  • printing, production process, publication, 62618 *
  • privacy, publication, see compliance
  • procedures, publication, 62618 *
  • product launches, publication, see marketing
  • production (agency produced or commissioned publications), publication,
    • agency public websites, see websites
    • distribution of publications, 62619
    • duplicate publications, 62613/62614
    • internal websites (intranets), see websites
    • management of, 62618 *
    • procurement of goods and services to support production of publications, see PROCUREMENT
    • production processes, 62618 *
    • published versions of publications, 62613/62614/62619
    • social media, establishing agency accounts, see EXTERNAL RELATIONS
    • standards, publication, compliance with, 62619
    • websites hosted on behalf of other organisations, see websites
  • programs and catalogues, publication of, see production
  • project plans, publication, 62618 *
  • promotion, publication, see marketing
  • proof-reading, production process, 62618 *
  • publication committees, 62618 *
  • publication complaints, see complaints
  • publication copyright, see intellectual property
  • publication corporate style, 62618 *
  • publication enquiries, 62618 *
  • publication launches, see marketing
  • publication manuals, see manuals
  • publication marketing, advertising and promotion, see marketing
  • publication plans, 62618 *
  • publication policies, 62619
  • publication procedures, 62618 *
  • publication production, see production
  • publication standards, compliance with, 62619
  • publication statutory requirements, compliance with, 62619
  • publications, agency produced or commissioned, publication of, see production
  • publicity campaigns, see marketing
  • published reports, publication of, see reporting and reports


  • quality assurance, production process, publication, 62618 *


  • registers of risks, publication, 62619
  • reporting and reports,
    • agency annual reports, development of and final version, see EXTERNAL RELATIONS
    • agency annual reports, distribution of, 62619
    • publication, final versions of reports, 62619
    • publication, developing/drafting, 62618 *
    • published versions of reports (including agency annual reports), see production
  • reprints, publication of, see production
  • reproduction of copyrighted material, applications, see intellectual property
  • research, market, publication, 62619
  • research, publication content, 62613/62614/62615/62618 */62619
  • retailers, liaising with, see sales
  • reviewing and reviews, publication, final versions, 62619
  • reviewing and reviews, publication, development and establishment, 62618 *
  • risk management, publication, 62619
  • risk register, publication, 62619
  • royalties, establishment and management of, see LEGAL SERVICES
  • royalties, financial transactions relating to, see FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT


  • sales, publication,
    • distribution (including lists of client addresses), 62618 *
    • management of, 62619/62618 *
    • market research to support publication development, 62619
    • marketing, advertising and promotion, external, see EXTERNAL RELATIONS
    • marketing, advertising and promotion, internal, 62619/62618 *
    • pricing, 62619
  • scripts, post-production, publication of, see production
  • serials, publication of, see production
  • social media, presence, establishing and managing, see EXTERNAL RELATIONS
  • standards (mandatory or optional), publication, compliance with, 62619
  • stationery, corporate style, 62618 *
  • statutory requirements, publication, compliance with, see compliance
  • stocktake, agency publications, 62618 *
  • stocktake, moveable assets and equipment (other than agency publications), see ASSET MANAGEMENT
  • style guides/manuals, developing and implementing, publication, 62618 *
  • supply of publications, distribution, publication, 62618 *
  • surplus publication stock, disposal of, 62613/62614
  • surveys, supporting marketing and publication development, see market research



  • URL (Uniform Resource Locator), allocation of, compliance, 62619



  • web publishing, production process, publication, 62618 *
  • websites (including intranets), publication,
    • agency public websites, 62615/62616
    • internal websites (intranets), decommissioned, 62619
    • legal deposit (including harvesting by National Library of Australia), 62615/62616
    • privacy statements associated with, compliance, 62619
    • production processes, 62618 *
    • procurement of goods and services to support creation and maintenance of websites, see PROCUREMENT
    • online publications (ie in electronic format), 62613/62619
    • social media, establishing agency accounts, see EXTERNAL RELATIONS
    • standards, publication, compliance with, 62619
    • URL (Uniform Resource Locator), allocation of, compliance, 62619
    • websites hosted on behalf of other organisations, 62619
  • working groups, publication, 62618 *



* Default class 62619 can also be used to sentence where class 62618 is indicated.